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How many stars would you give the product RolliCoat® (1 = very poor, ..., 5 = very good)?*

4 + 4 =

Jan Pfäffle

Important contribution to waste prevention

“The solution makes an important contribution to waste prevention, ensures safe transportation, protects our valuable organic food and is easy to use...
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Jan Pfäffle

Important contribution to waste prevention

“The solution makes an important contribution to waste prevention, ensures safe transportation, protects our valuable organic food and is easy to use - for our shipping team as well as for the employees in the organic stores. We were also particularly impressed by the certified recycled material and its robustness, as well as the space-saving return transport - hanging on the trolley or folded.”
Jan Pfäffle
Jan Pfäffle
Lorenz Wedl

Easy to use for our employees

“The 'RolliCoat' system is advantageous on many lines. It makes a significant contribution to avoiding plastic and waste, ensures safe transportation...
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Lorenz Wedl
Handelshaus Wedl

Easy to use for our employees

“The 'RolliCoat' system is advantageous on many lines. It makes a significant contribution to avoiding plastic and waste, ensures safe transportation of goods and is easy for our employees to use”
Lorenz Wedl
Lorenz Wedl
Handelshaus Wedl
Andre Tennigkeit

Cleanliness, protection and a professional appearance - RolliCoat ® combines all of this

With the high-quality RolliCoat ®'s, our roll containers are ready for use at any event and...
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Andre Tennigkeit
Eventcatering A. Tennigkeit

Cleanliness, protection and a professional appearance - RolliCoat® combines all of this

With the high-quality RolliCoat®'s, our roll containers are ready for use at any event and make a first-class impression. We are thrilled!
Andre Tennigkeit
Andre Tennigkeit
Eventcatering A. Tennigkeit